
We have more than plenty of problems. The Border Crisis; Spies, Liars and Hackers of of the Public Mind; Foreign threats; Massive, global and corporate corruption; “Cancel Culture” and the loss of our First Amendment; The Fed – with its inflation/monetary corruption… The list is long, and you’ll find many of my proposals and solutions on my News & Media page. But what most of us are calling “issues” are really just symptoms of a much greater, deeper, more existential crisis of our cultural disease. We’ve lost our vision. We’re angry, divided and at each others’ throats.

So I’m running for office for three main reasons:

  1. Our culture is self-destructing by the agency of two inherently divisive private organizations, operating by campaign donation strings, under an enormous, costly, anti-constitutional, global corporate and semi-secret system of corruption that depends and thrives upon conflict.  I wish I were exaggerating, but you likely know I’m not. What’s worse, though, is that I’m the only US Senate candidate actually opposing this puppet show.
  2. US Senators were intended to be the voice of the sovereign states in a bicameral congress – One house representing the people directly (House of Representatives), and the other defending state autonomy against the encroachment of centralizing powers (Senate). We’ve not had such a bicameral house for well-over a century. I’m the candidate who would fulfill the constitutional role of US Senator.
  3. I am the only US Senate candidate putting constitutional design on the ballot as an option.  By the clear text of state and federal constitutions, our government is ungoverned, our police are unpoliced, our lawmakers are lawless (and most are unelected bureaucrats anyway), and our justice is unjust.  We need to govern our government by clear, written law, and I’m the only one proposing we do just that – for laws that are few enough for everyone to know, simple enough for everyone to understand, and important enough for everyone that they’re applied equally to all without special classes, exceptions, provisos or cheating.

What’s needed is for us to stop playing partisan ping-pong as if yet another “Red Wave” and then “Blue Wave” and another “Red Wave” and another blue and another red…etc., etc., et cetera… will fix anything at all.

Four key facts:
1. Independents outnumber both Ds and Rs. People are turning in droves from the status quo private clubs we call the Two Party System. In a three-way race, the whole “Two Party System” would have already lost… if we’d only vote the way we talk.
2. But despite that turn from party loyalty in at least rhetoric and polls, most people haven’t been voting like independent thinkers, and THAT needs to CHANGE if we want anything to get better, because…
3. The Two Party Scam has driven a brutal, hateful wedge between us in essentially every aspect of our lives.
4. We’re surrounded by lies and liars. To sort this out, we really need to start talking with people, face to face, and in a sympathetic and civil manner. We need to get to know each other as people…not as (D) or (R).

I’m qualified to hold this office as the only one who’d take the oath of office literally.

This isn’t a personal attack on the other candidates, since, for generations, people have increasingly become less familiar with, and more disdainful of, our founders’ actual intent in regulating politics.  It’s only relatively recently that anybody of prominence (for example Ron Paul) ever even mentioned the constitutions.   So it’s just plain truth, by the written words of the constitution, and the words and actions of the candidates, that I’m the only constitutionalist running.  It’s up to voters to decide what they want.  I’ve read every one of the USA constitutions (federal and all states), and have for decades made available my annotations to both federal and Indiana constitutions, so that anyone can read, and hold me to, my reading of those once-cherished, but never-fully-followed social covenants.  I’ve become known as both an expert on, and advocate for, constitutional rule of law for decades.  I’ve published both my defense of constitutional rule of law/design, and proposals for fixing our fundamental problems on Amazon.

My record is even more lengthy and well-documented in every form of media than the multi-term incumbent’s, and I’ve been right, over and over again, far more than I’ve been wrong.  That’s unusual in politics.  One of the worst things about today’s politics is that there’s no electoral advantage to being right, and no demerit in being continuously wrong about how things work and what we’re doing.  It doesn’t take a Cassandric gift of prophesy to read human history and see what works and what always fails.  I’ve been writing down what I’ve seen and what I propose to do about it for thirty years as an organizer, activist, advocate, candidate, former weekly columnist for the Indianapolis Star, and Adjunct Scholar with the Indiana Policy Review.

Our nation’s four main issues (and how to fix them) are:

  1. The aforementioned corruption.  The self-appointed, unconstitutional, wholly corrupt and inherently divisive “Two Party System” that our founders warned us about, is tearing us apart.  More and more every day.  “Cancel culture,” violence, and partisan contempt disgorging from increasingly cancerous US Presidential elections, are the worst in my lifetime, certainly.  The ever-more-restrictive ballot access and partisan laws that favor the mighty and crush any offering an alternative, are increasing the urgency with which we must use our votes as intended – as weapons of peaceful revolution.  We must unite against those who profit from this insane tug of war over who loses the most on every Election Day.
  2. We’ve been provoking, funding, training and arming enemies, both foreign and domestic, for too long.  We have got to stand-down our global “whack-a-mole” foreign policy, and concentrate on real dangers within, and across, our own borders.  We’ve ignored the threat posed by the CCP and its allies for too long (Trump was right about this).  Our culture of self-righteous violence and misunderstanding of our constitutional design is inexcusable as well as self-destructive.  We’ve put our domestic police into increasingly adversarial roles against citizens (with the incumbent’s votes, BTW) while blurring the line between military and domestic force in both weaponry and rules of engagement.  This must stop.
  3. Monetary/financial cronyism and banking/lending reform.  There’s unfortunately a rather long, complicated story about why we’re such a mess, and why this is such a terrible problem that the incumbent political parties will not, and can not, touch. We do not have the free markets and sound money that we’re owed by both our state and federal constitutions. Property ownership, free trade, free association and in short, full sovereignty over our commerce has been stolen by politicians and politically-advantaged corporate cronies. That crime would stop as soon as we assert our constitutional leash against our elected, literal armed robbers. Short answer: End the Fed, and make the US House of Representatives accountable to our monetary system, as still demanded by our constitution.
  4. The Border Crisis. This is an older issue than we’ve been led to believe. And it’s been both Democrats AND Republicans who’ve made this a catastrophe. Please read this:

Some of my solutions for the previous are detailed here:  There are even more in my book, Relighting the Torch. But the short answer is that we must first end the monolithic rule of the obviously corrupt Two Party System if we wish any sort of rule of law.